Table of Contents
What are ticks?
How ticks get on pets
Common places to find ticks
Where to check for ticks
How to prevent ticks
Table of Contents
What are ticks?
How ticks get on pets
Common places to find ticks
Where to check for ticks
How to prevent ticks
Ticks are small but mighty. They may be hard to spot, but if not removed ticks can be a serious health concern. Before you go ahead and pull the tick out of your pet, you need to find it first. Keep reading to find out the most common areas ticks will bite your pet and how to check.
Ticks are a significant threat to our pets. Beyond being a nuisance, ticks can transmit diseases that may lead to serious health issues. So let's find them and remove them, before any damage is done to your pet!
Ticks are opportunistic hitchhikers. They can't jump on your pet, but they do have some tricks up their sleeve...
Questing: Ticks climb to the tips of grass, leaves, or other vegetation and extend their front legs, ready to latch onto passing hosts. When your pet ventures through these areas, ticks seize the opportunity to hop aboard.
Host detection: Ticks are equipped with sensory structures that allow them to detect the presence of potential hosts. Changes in temperature, humidity, and even the carbon dioxide exhaled by animals serve as beacons for these stealthy invaders.
Ambush: Some ticks prefer to lie in wait in areas frequented by their hosts, ready to latch onto fur or clothing as animals pass by.
Ears - Ticks love the warm and sheltered environment of your pet's ears. Check around and inside the ears thoroughly.
Neck and head - Ticks often latch onto the neck and head areas, especially in the fur and around the base of the skull. Part the fur and inspect carefully.
Between toes - The spaces between your pet's toes provide a cosy hiding spot for ticks. Lift each paw and examine the spaces between the toes.
Underarms and groin - Ticks seek out areas with less fur and thinner skin, making the underarms and groyne prime hiding spots. Lift your pet's legs and inspect these areas closely.
Tail and genital area - The tail and genital area are commonly targeted by ticks. Lift the tail and check around the base, as well as the genital region.
Under collar - Ticks often hide under your pet's collar, taking advantage of the warmth and proximity to the skin. Remove the collar and inspect the area thoroughly.
-Ears: Use a flashlight to inspect the ears, paying close attention to the ear canal and folds. Gently feel for any small bumps or lumps.
-Neck & head: Run your fingers through the fur around the neck and head, feeling for any unusual bumps or irregularities. Comb through the fur to ensure thorough inspection.
-Underarms & groin: Lift your pet's legs and inspect the underarms and groyne area. Check for ticks nestled in the folds of skin or hiding in the fur.
-Tail & genital Area: Lift the tail and closely examine the base, as well as the genital area. Ticks may hide in the fur or attach directly to the skin.
-Under collar: Remove your pet's collar and inspect the skin underneath. Pay attention to the area where the collar sits, ensuring there are no ticks hiding there.
Here's how to be proactive against ticks:
Use tick preventatives - Administer tick preventatives regularly for the best protection. These can include spot-on treatments like Itch Flea Treatment for dogs and Itch Flea Treatment for cats (kills ticks and lice too!).
Regular grooming: Establish a grooming routine for your pets. Regular brushing not only keeps their coat healthy but also allows you to detect and remove ticks promptly (and keeps your pet looking 10/10!)
Tick checks: Perform thorough tick checks on your pets after outdoor activities. Run your hands over their entire body, paying close attention to the identified hiding spots.
Clean: Regularly clean and hoover your home, focusing on areas where your pets spend the most time. Wash bedding, blankets, and any fabric items your pets use in hot water (at least 60°C) to eliminate tick eggs and larvae.
Avoid tick-prone areas: Be mindful of where your pets roam, especially during peak tick seasons. Avoid areas known for high tick populations, and stick to well-maintained paths during walks.
Preventatives for the garden: Utilise tick preventatives in your outdoor area, especially if your pets spend time outside. Products like sprays and treatments can help reduce the tick population in your immediate environment.
Fleas, ticks and lice can be a nightmare, but with the right approach, you can take control and rid your pets and home of these pests. Remember that parasites can be persistent, so patience and regular treatment will be your best friends! By addressing your pet and their environment, you can ensure a safe and comfortable space for you and your family.
The closest thing you’ll find to a real life vampire are ticks, those pesky parasites that can attach themselves to your beloved pets and cause a host of health issues. These blood-sucking arachnids are not only uncomfortable for your furry friends but can also transmit diseases. Recognising the appearance of ticks on your pets is essential for their well-being. Here we look into what ticks are, how to spot them on your dogs and cats, share pictures so you can easily identify them, discuss effective tick treatment options, and explore preventive measures. Let's uncover the secrets of identifying ticks and keeping your pets tick-free.
These bloodsucking pests can transmit diseases and cause discomfort for our beloved furry companions. The good news is that with the right knowledge and proactive measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of tick infestations. In this post, we'll explore the world of tick prevention for pets. From understanding ticks and their lifecycle to implementing preventive strategies for both dogs and cats, we'll equip you with the tools to keep your pets safe and tick-free all year-round.
It's not unheard of to think that ticks jump from pet to pet, or even human to human. Keep scrolling to debust this myth and find out how ticks actually bite your and your pet...