Even More About Fleas

Let's get stuck in to the flea lifecycle and dig into the seasonal highs and lows of flea season. Understanding these topics will help you to better manage the impact of fleas on your cats and dogs.


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Flea Identification, General

What are dormant fleas?

Fleas are tiny, unwelcome guests that seem to appear out of nowhere, wreaking havoc on our poor pets and occasionally giving us a nip too. But what happens when you think you’ve dealt with them, only for them to stage a surprise comeback weeks (or even months) later? Keep reading to find out!

Flea General

Is it OK to touch a dog with fleas?

Uh oh! You've pet a dog with fleas? Don't worry, you should be fine but you need to make sure to follow some key steps to avoid getting a flea infestation. Scroll to find out!

Flea General

Can fleas eventually kill a pet?

Ah, the pesky little critters known as fleas - the bane of every pet owner's existence. These minuscule blood-suckers may seem insignificant at first glance, but don't let their size fool you. Fleas are not just annoying; they can pose serious health risks to our beloved furry friend if left unchecked.

Fleas are tiny insects that thrive on the blood of mammals, including our cherished pets. They can easily infest our homes and latch onto pets, nestle in their fur and cause a handful of problems if not dealt with promptly and properly.

Flea General

Flea facts: 7 things to know about fleas

EW, fleas! Tiny, persistent pests that can turn your pet's life into an itching nightmare and leave you feeling like you're in a battle you just can't win. Whether you're a seasoned pet owner or a newcomer to the world of fluff everywhere, understanding the ins and outs of fleas is crucial. Read on to learn our top 7 facts on fleas, how to prevent them and how to treat fleas if you do unfortunately get struck by an infestation.

Flea General

Are pet flea treatments safe for humans?

When applying your pet's flea treatment, you might have come across yourself thinking 'Is this safe for me to touch?' or maybe even, 'Could I use this treatment on myself?'. No question is a silly question. Keep reading to find out the safety of pet flea treatment.

Flea General

Do pet fleas bite?

Ah, fleas. Those tiny, jumpy, unwelcome house guests that seem to have an uncanny ability to turn even the most well-groomed pets into scratching, wriggling messes. If you've ever found yourself frantically Googling "do pet fleas bite?" at 2 AM while scratching a mysterious itch on your ankle, then welcome to the club. Read on to find out where and how fleas bother you and your pet.

Flea General

New pet owners guide to flea treatment and prevention

We've create a tailored for new pet owners to navigate world of flea treatment and prevention so your puppy or kitten is happy and healthy! Keep scrolling treatment guidelines for adult dogs and cats, a specialised flea treatment schedule, and why preventative control is crucial.

Flea General

‘Flea Gate’: How Boris Johnson should have handled Downing Street

Annoying, blood-sucking creatures in Downing Street? - And no,we’re not talking about politicians. In Liz Truss’ recently released memoir, she claims Number 10 was infested with fleas thanks to Boris Johnson’s poor little dog, Dilyn. Clearly he didn’t have a subscription to Itch. Showing us the ex Prime Minister was clueless in the face of a flea infestation. We’re here to help you get more clued up than Bojo. Here’s what to do if you find yourself the unlucky target of a flea infestation, and more importantly, how to stay one step ahead.

Flea General

Can pet fleas live on clothing?

Fleas are a nuisance of the best times when on your beloved pets, but even more so if they make the leap to you! This article gets you up to speed with the flea lifecycle, answers the burning question of can fleas live on clothing? And how to get rid of the blighters and stop them making an unwelcome return!

Flea General

Can cats be allergic to fleas?

Fleas can turn a cat's peaceful existence into an itchy nightmare. While the mere thought of these pesky critters is enough to make any cat owner shudder, it's crucial to delve into the impact fleas can have on our feline friends. Keep reading to find out how fleas affect cats, how to spot them on your furry companion, and the pressing question – can cats be allergic to fleas?

Flea General

Can dog fleas jump to humans?

Fleas the tiny, agile creatures that can turn a peaceful pet-filled home into a buzzing hub of discomfort. If they’re on your dog, does that mean they can get onto you too! Scroll to find out more.

Flea General

How do you get fleas in your house?

Has your pet got an itch that just won’t go away, or worse you’ve been itching yourself?! Well I hate to break it to you but it might be fleas. But how have they found their way into your home? 

Fleas are the stuff of nightmares, not just for pets but for homeowners too. Once they’ve got in, they multiply fast and before you know it you have a full blown infestation. Keep reading to find out how to get rid of fleas for good!

Flea General, Insights

Where can you buy flea treatment?

Most pet owners believe you can only get flea treatment from the vets and even then, it should be prescribed. We’re here to tell you that’s not correct and you have a choice over what flea treatment you give your cat or dog. Keep reading to find out what the best flea treatment is for your pet and where you can buy it from!

Flea General

What is the flea life cycle and how can you break it?

Fleas can turn into a massive headache for us, pet owners. Understanding the flea life cycle is crucial to effectively fighting off infestations and keeping your pets as well as your home flea-free. Scroll to see the flea life cycle, all four stages - egg, larvae, pupae and adult - and explore how you can break it to eliminate the pests.

Flea General

Is it your fault if your cat gets fleas?

For any cat riddled with fleas, it's unpleasant for the poor kitty and unpleasant for any owner to watch. With all the itching and scratching, you wouldn’t be the first owner to blame yourself for your cat getting fleas. But are you responsible? Let’s find out…

Flea Treatment, General

Can fleas live on clothes?

Pet parents often think that finding fleas on a pet must mean they have got infected by a neighbouring cat or picked them up somewhere in the woods - whilst these assumptions aren’t wrong, there is another way fleas can infest your home… from you! Carry on reading to find out how fleas are nestling into your clothes and jumping on your pet.

Flea General, Treatment

Can my pet catch fleas from grass in my garden?

Fleas are one of those pests that seem to pop up out of nowhere, and cause absolute chaos. When this happens, as pet parents, our first thought tends to be, how has this happened? It’s not always straightforward trying to find how your pet has got fleas, but this answer could be right under your nose (and by this, we mean outside your back door)...

Flea General

When is peak flea season?

As pet owners, we all know that fleas can be a pesky and persistent problem. These tiny parasites can infest our furry friends, causing discomfort and potential health issues if left unchecked. Fleas are most active during certain periods of the year, which we commonly refer to as the "peak flea season." Here, we dive into the crucial information you need to know about when fleas are most active, when they come out, and whether they prefer hot or cold weather conditions. Armed with this knowledge, you'll be better equipped to protect your beloved pets and your home from these bothersome critters.

Flea General

Does humidity affect fleas?

Ah, fleas—the creatures with a mission to make your home a battlefield. They are notorious for causing itchy bites, relentless reproduction, and their ability to spread quicker than you can say the words ‘f*ck off fleas’. If you’ve ever had a flea infestation, you’ll know this phrase all too well.

So, fleas love a warm and humid environment. Like most, they have their preferences when it comes to climate. Scroll to see what conditions lead to flea infestation and our tips to staying flea-free forever. 

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