Flea Treatment

All there is to know about flea treatment is right here! How to use a preventative treatment to avoid a flea outbreak, how to get rid of fleas on your pets and how to apply a spot on flea treatment correctly.


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Flea Treatment

Flea injections for cats and dogs

There are many many options for flea treatment these days, which can be overwhelming to say the least! Keep reading to find out about flea injections and whether it's the best choice for your pet.

Flea Treatment

Active ingredients in flea treatments

It's important to know what's in the flea treatment you are using and are the ingredients as good as they say they are? Flea treatment ingredients, Fipronil and (S) Methoprene, are the key ones! Scroll to find out if the flea treatment you're using is actually working...

Flea Treatment

What type of flea treatment is best for your pet?

The market is brimming with flea treatment choices, and of course, each promise to be the magic wand that banishes those pesky fleas. Scroll to find how each treatment works and which is best for your furball.

Flea Treatment

How to kill fleas for good

The persistent presence of fleas can have a knack for making our pets' lives itchy and uncomfortable. But don't panic! We are experts in pests that bother your pet. Keep reading for our vet-recommended tips and treatment options to get rid of fleas for good....

Flea Treatment

Signs, symptoms and treatments for fleas

We're tackling a topic that every responsible pet owner should be well-versed in – fleas. Join us as we explore the signs, symptoms, treatments, and prevention strategies to ensure your pet's well-being and your home's peace. Let's dive into the fascinating world of fleas!

Flea Treatment

What kills 100% of fleas?

Fleas are stubborn little blighters and without effective treatment, it can feel like they just won’t go away! In order to get rid of fleas for good, you need to know how to kill every last flea. Keep reading to find out vet-recommended tips for treating a flea infestation and most importantly, stopping them from coming back!

Flea Treatment

What to do if your pet has fleas and sleeps in your bed?

Fleas can turn your cosy home into an itchy battleground, especially when they decide to share your bed with your furry friend… three’s definitely a crowd! This article gives you all the best tips for how to deal with a duvet stealing pooch who’s also fighting fleas!

Flea Treatment

How long does it take to get rid of fleas in your house?

So your home has some lovely unwelcome guests... Fleas. Your cat or dog is more than likely scratching incessantly, or maybe you’ve noticed tiny, jumping critters making themselves a bit too comfortable on your sofa. Either way, you've got a flea infestation you want it gone – and fast! Keep reading to see how to quickly regain control of your home and for vet-recommended tips on speeding up this process.

Flea Treatment

Why you should continue to use flea treatment in winter

We all know fleas love the heat! But sadly this doesn’t mean they disappear in the winter… This article tells you everything you need to know about those pesky parasites during the colder months.

Flea Treatment

Do natural flea treatments actually work?

Fleas, the tiny terrors that can turn your pet's life into an itchy, uncomfortable ordeal. When faced with a flea infestation, many pet owners seek solutions that are safe and natural. But do these natural flea treatments actually work? In this blog post, we'll discuss the world of natural flea remedies, exploring common options, assessing their effectiveness, and discovering which ones are worth considering. We'll also introduce you to Itch Flea treatment and explain why it’s so fab as an effective preventative treatment. By the end, you'll have a clearer understanding of whether natural flea treatments are the right choice for your furry friend.

Flea Treatment

Does flea shampoo actually work?

Fleas can turn your pet's life into a scratching frenzy. When you're faced with a flea infestation, you want a solution that works, and fast. One option many pet owners consider is flea shampoo. But does flea shampoo actually work? In this blog post, we’ll explore shampoos, how they are supposed to work, their effectiveness, and alternative methods for treating fleas. By the end, you'll have a clearer understanding of whether flea shampoo is the right choice for your furry friend.

Flea Treatment

Should you bathe a pet with fleas?

Fleas, the bane of every pet owner's existence. When you suspect your furry friend has these tiny terrors, you might wonder if giving them a good bath will do the trick. Should you bathe a pet with fleas? In this blog post, we'll dive into this question, exploring the nuances of dealing with fleas and bathing your pet. We'll discuss whether your pet actually has fleas, the pros and cons of bathing them, what to do after treatment, and how to prevent future flea infestations. By the end, you'll have a clearer picture of when and how to bathe your poor flea-afflicted pet.

Flea Treatment

How to use a household flea home spray

So, you’ve found fleas on your pet. Bad news: this means that they’re also highly likely to be in your home too.

The good news is that the combination of your gold-standard, Itch Flea treatment and Itch Flea Home Spray will get rid of those fleas in no time.

Itch Flea Home Spray as a one-off will kill adult fleas that are in your home. It will also prevent any new fleas from hatching for up to 12 months.

Don’t forget, once you’ve finished annihilating the adult fleas in your home, you need to stay up-to-date up with your monthly Itch Flea treatment for your cat and Itch Flea Treatment for your dog to keep your home and your pet flea-free forever.

Flea Treatment

How to apply Itch Flea treatment to your cat

Great news! When applied correctly, Itch Flea treatment for cats is 100% fast and effective at killing fleas on cats and kittens!

However, the 'when applied correctly' bit is quite important…

We know it's not always that easy, so we've put together a quick guide on the best way to apply Spot-On Flea treatment to your cat or kitten.

Flea Treatment

How to apply Itch Flea treatment to your dog

Amazing news! When applied correctly, Itch Flea Treatment for dogs is 100% fast and effective at killing fleas on dogs and puppies!

However, the 'when applied correctly' bit is pretty important.

We know it's not always that easy, so we've put together a quick guide on the best way to apply Spot-On Flea treatment to your dog or puppy.

Flea Treatment

How to get rid of fleas

Fleas – those pesky little insects that can turn our furry companions' lives (and ours) upside down. If you've ever experienced a flea infestation, you know just how frustrating and uncomfortable it can be. These tiny creatures are not only a nuisance but can also pose health risks to both pets and humans. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the world of fleas, from understanding their origins to effective methods for getting rid of them. So, if you're tired of the itching, scratching, and constant battle against the blighters, read on to discover how to reclaim your home and your pet's comfort.

Flea Treatment

What is the best flea treatment for dogs?

If you're a dog owner, you’ll know that fleas are an absolute nightmare. These tiny pests can turn your pup’s life—and yours—into an itchy misery. But don’t worry! With the right flea treatment, you can keep your furry friend flea-free and happy. Keep reading to be a flea expert and choose the best treatment for your pooch!

Flea Treatment

Do I need to treat my house if my dog has fleas?

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably found a flea on your dog or your pooch is scratching excessively, which only means one thing… fleas. You might be aware that you need to act fast and treat your pet, but do you also need to treat your house? The short answer is definitely YES! Keep reading to find out how to treat your home so you can say goodbye to fleas forever.

Flea Treatment, Prevention

How to kill fleas fast!

Fleas can catch any pet parent off guard, so knowing how to get rid of them and preventing them from coming back is extremely helpful! Whether you are tackling a flea infestation now or cluing yourself up for a potential future pest attack, this guide has the low down on all things fleas. Keep reading to get rid of fleas on your pet FAST!

Flea Treatment
White and grey cat scratching chin on tiled floor.

What is the best flea treatment for cats?

If you're a pet parent, you'll know there's nothing more frustrating than seeing and hearing your cat scratching away furiously. Fleas are an absolute nuisance, but thankfully, you can get rid of them for good with the right knowledge. Keep reading to be a flea expert and choose the best treatment for your cat!

Flea Treatment

Why am I seeing more fleas after applying treatment to my pet?

Fleas seem to appear out of nowhere and cause endless scratching, biting, and discomfort—not just for your furry friend but for you as well! You’ve done the responsible thing, applied the flea treatment, and expected things to improve. But wait, now there seem to be more fleas! What’s going on? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. Let’s dive into this scratchy conundrum and uncover what’s happening.

Flea Treatment

What to expect after applying flea treatment to your pet

Fleas are a nasty nuisance, so let’s make sure you kill them for good. Applying preventative treatment to your pet every month ensures any fleas that hop onto your pet are killed quickly.  It’s important to stick to some key steps when applying flea treatment to your pet. Here at Itch, we like to call these the House Rules, and they make sure the fleas on your pet will be gone, for good.

Flea Treatment

How often should you apply flea treatment to your pet?

Most people know that it’s important to treat your pet for fleas, but how often should their flea treatment be applied and why is this crucial to preventing infestation? Keep reading for top tips from Head Vet at Itch, Dr Costigan on flea treating your cat or dog.

Flea Treatment, General

Can fleas live on clothes?

Pet parents often think that finding fleas on a pet must mean they have got infected by a neighbouring cat or picked them up somewhere in the woods - whilst these assumptions aren’t wrong, there is another way fleas can infest your home… from you! Carry on reading to find out how fleas are nestling into your clothes and jumping on your pet.

Flea Treatment

Can my pregnant cat use flea treatment?

Fleas are no fun at all - especially if your cat is pregnant. Not only do flea infestations have the chance to transmit diseases, but if your cat is pregnant then her kittens may also be affected. It is important to know if using flea treatment is safe on your pregnant cat and which treatments you should avoid. Scroll to find out how to protect your cat and kittens from fleas.

Flea Treatment

What is the most effective flea treatment for home?

Fleas are tiny, irritating pests that can turn your world upside down. Fleas live in a warm environment, close to hosts they can jump and feed on - so in your home with you and your pet, is the perfect place for fleas to thrive and breed. These little blighters can find their way into your home, by hitching a ride from you or your pet, and then hopping off as they enter the front door. So if you get hijacked by fleas, what’s the best flea treatment to treat your home and get rid of those pesky fleas for good? Keep reading to find out!

Flea General, Treatment

Can my pet catch fleas from grass in my garden?

Fleas are one of those pests that seem to pop up out of nowhere, and cause absolute chaos. When this happens, as pet parents, our first thought tends to be, how has this happened? It’s not always straightforward trying to find how your pet has got fleas, but this answer could be right under your nose (and by this, we mean outside your back door)...

Flea Treatment
puppies feeding from white furry dog

Can my pregnant dog use flea treatment?

If you've ever had the unfortunate experience of your dog picking up fleas, you'll know it's no fun at all. Not only do these tiny pests cause endless irritation for your dog, but they can also spread diseases and infest your home. Now, when your dog is expecting puppies, you might naturally have concerns about how to deal with fleas during her pregnancy. Is it safe to use flea treatment on a pregnant dog? Which treatments should you avoid, and how can you keep those pesky parasites at bay? Carry on reading to find out.

Flea Treatment

Can fleas live on bedding?

A clear sign of a flea infestation is your pet scratching more than usual, or finding the little blighters on your pet’s fur or in your home. Spotting fleas can be very simple but what about treating them? In order to get rid of fleas for good, you have to know where to the fleas will be. One of the common places they might be, is on your bedding. Scroll to find out how to zap dead all of fleas that are bothering your household and most importantly, how to prevent a full blown flea infestation.

Flea Treatment

More than a quarter of a million dogs are allergic to fleas

Do fleas cause your pooch more hassle than just a bit of itching and scratching? Well if so, it’s a high chance they are having an allergic reaction. According to ESCCAP, (European Scientific Counsel Companion Parasites) just over 265,000 dogs are allergic to fleas*. Don’t panic though, we have all the information you need to gear up and fight those fleas, just keep reading!

Flea Treatment

Flea Treatments - Spot On vs Shampoo vs Collar

Ah, the bane of every pet owner's existence: fleas. Those tiny, jumping nuisances can wreak havoc on both your furry friend and your home. Don’t worry, there are many options to remove fleas, but which is the best for you? Read on to learn all about flea treatments, what preventatives are out there and what we at Itch, recommend.

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