Ellie, Roger and Frank

Ellie, Roger and Frank

SQP Pet Wellness Warrior, professionally trained in Veterinary Medicines advice

Mostly writes about

Customer help and veterinary medicine advice


Ellie is on hand and happy to help with any questions Itch customers might have about our products or their pets. Ellie is an SQP, this means she is legislated as a ‘Suitably Qualified Person’ in Veterinary Medicines Advice by the Veterinary Medicines Directorate. She’s taken ALL the exams and passed with flying colours! She’s ably joined by her Miniature Dachshunds, Frank and Roger. She tells us there’s two of them but, as they’re only allowed in the office one at the time (because TINY ESCAPE ARTISTS), we can’t be 100% sure. Ellie spends her time at Itch offering advice and support to more than 100,000 Itch customers. It doesn’t matter the problem, she’s heard it all before! From flea infestations in homes, to behavioural or stress and anxiety issues in pets, Ellie’s real world experience means she’s got tips and hacks, as well as in depth product knowledge, to help you negotiate the trickier aspects of pet parenting.

Latest Articles

Flea Treatment

How to use a household flea home spray

So, you’ve found fleas on your pet. Bad news: this means that they’re also highly likely to be in your home too.

The good news is that the combination of your gold-standard, Itch Flea treatment and Itch Flea Home Spray will get rid of those fleas in no time.

Itch Flea Home Spray as a one-off will kill adult fleas that are in your home. It will also prevent any new fleas from hatching for up to 12 months.

Don’t forget, once you’ve finished annihilating the adult fleas in your home, you need to stay up-to-date up with your monthly Itch Flea treatment for your cat and Itch Flea Treatment for your dog to keep your home and your pet flea-free forever.

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

Do pet dental treats work?

If you’ve ever found yourself nose-to-nose with your pet and nearly keeled over from their breath, you’re not alone. Dental hygiene isn’t just a human concern—it’s just as important for our furry friends. But as much as we’d like to think our pets will sit obediently while we shove a toothbrush in their mouth, that’s not reality. Pet dental treats can do this job for us, but how and is it always the best way to keep your pet dental disease free?

Q&A Worm

Does a vet need to prescribe worming tablets for dogs?

Q&A Worm

What are worming tablets for dogs?

Q&A Flea
white and brown cat scratching itself

How to get rid of fleas on cats?

Q&A Worm

What are worming tablets for dogs?

Flea Treatment

Do I need to treat my house if my dog has fleas?

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably found a flea on your dog or your pooch is scratching excessively, which only means one thing… fleas. You might be aware that you need to act fast and treat your pet, but do you also need to treat your house? The short answer is definitely YES! Keep reading to find out how to treat your home so you can say goodbye to fleas forever.

Flea Treatment, Prevention

How to kill fleas fast!

Fleas can catch any pet parent off guard, so knowing how to get rid of them and preventing them from coming back is extremely helpful! Whether you are tackling a flea infestation now or cluing yourself up for a potential future pest attack, this guide has the low down on all things fleas. Keep reading to get rid of fleas on your pet FAST!

Flea Treatment

Why am I seeing more fleas after applying treatment to my pet?

Fleas seem to appear out of nowhere and cause endless scratching, biting, and discomfort—not just for your furry friend but for you as well! You’ve done the responsible thing, applied the flea treatment, and expected things to improve. But wait, now there seem to be more fleas! What’s going on? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. Let’s dive into this scratchy conundrum and uncover what’s happening.

Flea Treatment

How often should you apply flea treatment to your pet?

Most people know that it’s important to treat your pet for fleas, but how often should their flea treatment be applied and why is this crucial to preventing infestation? Keep reading for top tips from Head Vet at Itch, Dr Costigan on flea treating your cat or dog.

Itch Insights Insights

Worms in pets on holiday

Brits abroad? More like ticks abroad! As the Summer kicks off and we all jet off to somewhere sunny, keep your wits about you and your pet when it comes to ticks. British tourists are being warned about ‘monster ticks’ that are spreading across Europe.

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

Pet-friendly gardens

Your home might be full to the brim of pet toys, stinky food and not to mention all the floof on your floors - but have you ever questioned if your garden is pet friendly? Scroll to find out how to pimp up your pad and give your pet the garden of their dreams.

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

Hairballs in Cats

We love cats so much, but when they regurgitate a hairball it’s safe to say it’s not the most pleasant sight. Although hairballs are a normal and common occurrence for cats, it's good to know if they can cause problems and is there a way to prevent them? Don’t let hairballs be a mystery to you, scroll to find out how to keep your fluffy feline happy and healthy.

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

Urinary Issues in Cats

The most common urinary issue in cats is feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD).

Urinary infections don’t pick and choose, they affect all cats regardless of age and gender.* So as something that is likely to bother your feline, be on it when it comes knowing the signs and symptoms!

Let's start with a little bit of context. What is Feline lower urinary tract disease? It is in fact an umbrella term often used to describe problems affecting the lower urinary tract (bladder and urethra) of cats. This could be something along the lines of a urinary obstruction or infection.

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