Pet-friendly gardens

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Creating a pet-friendly space

Here's what we’d recommend:

Need some inspo - here’s some of our Itch faves!

Your home might be full to the brim of pet toys, stinky food and not to mention all the floof on your floors - but have you ever questioned if your garden is pet friendly? Scroll to find out how to pimp up your pad and give your pet the garden of their dreams.

Creating a pet-friendly space

Before you get all grand designs, you gotta understand your pet. Dogs, for instance, need space to run and play, while cats appreciate places to climb and hide. Think about your pets' habits and preferences. Do they like to dig? Do they enjoy sunbathing? Tailoring your garden to meet your pet’s needs will mean it is practical and enjoyable for them.

Here's what we’d recommend:

  • Only grow pet-friendly plants

    There are many plants that are actually toxic to pets and if eaten by your furball could cause some serious damage. Get to know what plants should and shouldn’t be in your garden here.

  • Planting fruit and veg

    If plants aren’t your thing, most fruit and veg are safe for pets and can be a fun addition to their diet. So try planting tasting treats like herbs, vegetables and blueberries.

  • Give them their own space

    Pets aren’t always the most considerate when wandering around the garden, they can trample plants and try to create their own paths. If you struggle with this, try laying stepping stones, gravel or bark to guide your furry friend and also to protect your plants.

    TIP! If you have a pet that is always plotting their next escape plan, make sure the perimeter of your garden has sturdy fences or inward-facing that overhangs to stop your pet from being too adventurous.

    You can also give your pets their own little space, kind of like an outdoor bedroom. Dogs will love a spot for fetch or a digging pit filled with sand or soft soil. Cats, on the other hand, might appreciate a tree stump or a scratching post.

  • Doggy pool or water feature?

    We can’t promise you that your pet won’t go for a dip but a water feature can be a wonderful addition to a garden as they provide a place for pets to cool off and hydrate. Remember to keep the water shallow so your pets can access it easily and always keep the water fresh. Pet fountains can be a great option if you are solely building the water feature for your pooch. Water features can also be a great calming sound and sensory experience for your pet.

  • Shades on

    Just like us, pets want a place to escape the sun. Planting trees or adding structures like pergolas or can provide nice respite from the heat. A cosy outdoor bed or a small sheltered nook can also offer comfort for lounging pets.

Need some inspo - here’s some of our Itch faves!

There’s a lot that can go into creating a pet-friendly garden but start off small and go from there. Your pet’s safety is paramount so always keep that at the top of your list when you are adding features or making changes. If you have any doubt about whether the plants you have are pet-friendly or need some more advice, contact our vet team, who are professionally qualified and here to help give you advice. We're on the usual socials @itchpet, so slide into our DM's, email or hop on the phone. 


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