Can fleas live on clothes?

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Where do fleas live?

Fleas on clothes

Preventing fleas on clothes

Pet parents often think that finding fleas on a pet must mean they have got infected by a neighbouring cat or picked them up somewhere in the woods - whilst these assumptions aren’t wrong, there is another way fleas can infest your home… from you! Carry on reading to find out how fleas are nestling into your clothes and jumping on your pet.


Fleas are small pests that in fact can’t. They feed on the blood of mammals, like your pet and reproduce quicker than you can shout the words “GET LOST FLEAS!”. Yes they might be small, but they can hop to about 30 centimetres in one bounce. Once they’ve hopped onto your pet, they get to work quickly. They will bite their skin and quickly begin to feed and lay eggs, causing a full-blown infestation. That’s why the flea life cycle is so key to effectively getting rid of fleas, because you need to consider not just adult fleas but their eggs too.

Where do fleas live?

Fleas can find their way into many areas of your home. These include:

  • Your pet’s fur: This is flea HQ. Adult fleas spend most of their time on feeding mating, and laying eggs, on their host which in most cases is your pet.

  • Carpets and rugs: Flea eggs and larvae can fall off your pet and get embedded in your carpets. Fleas love soft surfaces where they can easily hide.

  • Furniture: Sofas, armchairs, and wardrobes can also become hotspots for fleas, especially if your pet likes to nap on them.

  • Cracks and crevices: Fleas can hide in the cracks of floorboards or between the cushions of your furniture.

  • In your bed: Yes, unfortunately, they can live in your bed and on your bedding!

Fleas on clothes

Fleas can hop on and off clothing, whether this be yours or your dogs. It is most common for fleas to jump onto clothing after you have visited a flea-infested area or spent time with a flea-infested pet. Think you’ve found a flea? Here’s our quick guide to getting rid of them! 

So it is possible that your pet can get fleas, not because they’ve been rolling around in dirt, but because you carried fleas on your clothes. But don’t panic, fleas tend to use clothing as a temporary home, waiting to make their next move onto an unsuspecting pet. This is due to the lack of warmth and food that clothing can’t provide.

Preventing fleas on clothes

  • Wash regularly

    Washing clothes in hot water (60 degrees or more!) and drying them on a high heat to kill fleas at all stages of their lifecycle.

  • Treat your pets

    Flea protect your pets with monthly treatment, like the Itch Flea Treatment for dogs or the Itch Flea Treatment for cats, which kills fleas on your pet in 24 hours!

  • Avoid infested areas

    If you know an area is infested with fleas, or a neighbouring pet has fleas, avoid contact. It’s also wise to not wear loose or textured clothing that fleas could cling to.

  • Treat your home

    To ensure 100% protection from fleas breeding in your cosy space, use a flea repellent spray, like the Itch House Spray for Homes which kills adult fleas for up to 2 months in one blast.

  • Clean, clean and more cleaning

    Regularly hoover your home to remove fleas and their eggs, we’d recommend doing this 3 times a week, for up to 3 weeks after infestation. Keeping on top of your hoovering, means keeping on top of pesky fleas!

    Also, keep your space clean, any outside debris could have fleas on it so make sure to remove it from your home as soon as you can.

So fleas can certainly hitch a ride on your clothes, making their way into your home or onto your pet, but they won’t stay there. Your clothes are nothing more than a temporary place for fleas to hang out before they find their next meal. If you do find fleas on your clothes, they will be in your home and the quicker you treat them, the quicker you can say adios amigos!

Get rid of fleas, ticks AND lice... and stop them coming back!

Fleas, ticks and lice can be a nightmare, but with the right approach, you can take control and rid your pets and home of these bothersome pests. Remember that parasites can be persistent, so patience and regular treatment will be your best friends! By addressing both your pet and their environment, you can ensure a flea-free and comfortable living space for both your furry companion and your family.



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How to use a household flea home spray

So, you’ve found fleas on your pet. Bad news: this means that they’re also highly likely to be in your home too.

The good news is that the combination of your gold-standard, Itch Flea treatment and Itch Flea Home Spray will get rid of those fleas in no time.

Itch Flea Home Spray as a one-off will kill adult fleas that are in your home. It will also prevent any new fleas from hatching for up to 12 months.

Don’t forget, once you’ve finished annihilating the adult fleas in your home, you need to stay up-to-date up with your monthly Itch Flea treatment for your cat and Itch Flea Treatment for your dog to keep your home and your pet flea-free forever.