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SQP Pet Wellness Warrior, Professionally trained in Veterinary Medicines Advice
Mostly writes about
The flea life cycle and veterinary medicine advice
Katie has been at Itch since 2019, starting off as a Social Media Moderator to now serving our amazing customer services department as Team Leader. As cliche as it might sound, she loves working at Itch because it’s one big family who share the same goal, to help as many pets as possible live a flea-free life. Katie is an accredited ‘Suitably Qualified Person’ (SQP), in Companion Animal, meaning she is registered by the Veterinary Medicines Doctorate to prescribe and supply specific treatment to cats, dogs and rabbits. As an SQP, Katie is a trusted professional who is trained in wider aspects of animal health and welfare, so she’s exactly who you want on the other end of the phone when you call us about your pet. With 5 years of experience in pet wellness, Katie has an in-depth understanding of treating flea infestations, preventative treatments and most importantly, breaking the flea life cycle. She is the loving owner of golden retriever, Pablo who clocks in for his weekly plod (and countless strokes) around the office, every Wednesday. Pablo is practically a part of the furniture at Itch, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.
Fleas are tiny, unwelcome guests that seem to appear out of nowhere, wreaking havoc on our poor pets and occasionally giving us a nip too. But what happens when you think you’ve dealt with them, only for them to stage a surprise comeback weeks (or even months) later? Keep reading to find out!
If you've noticed your furry friend scratching at their ears incessantly, you might be wondering what's causing all that discomfort. Itchy ears can be a sign of various issues, but two common culprits are fleas and mites. Keep reading to know how to spot a flea vs a mite, and how to protect your pup from these pests!
Have you noticed some specks in your pet’s fur, do they look like black dirt? We’ll tell you all you need to know here!
If you've ever found yourself wondering whether fleas and ticks are the same thing, you're not alone. These tiny creatures often cause confusion due to their similar size and the discomfort they bring to our furry friends. Scroll to find out the difference between fleas and ticks!
'Fleas can't bother me in winter?' Think again. Flea infestations can certainly happen in winter months, especially as we crank up the heating and our homes become warm and toasty. Let's dive into why fleas are a year-around problem, why it is important to maintain flea treatment in winter and most importantly, how to prevent them for good!
The persistent presence of fleas can have a knack for making our pets' lives itchy and uncomfortable. But don't panic! We are experts in pests that bother your pet. Keep reading for our vet-recommended tips and treatment options to get rid of fleas for good....
Ah, fleas. Those tiny, jumpy, unwelcome house guests that seem to have an uncanny ability to turn even the most well-groomed pets into scratching, wriggling messes. If you've ever found yourself frantically Googling "do pet fleas bite?" at 2 AM while scratching a mysterious itch on your ankle, then welcome to the club. Read on to find out where and how fleas bother you and your pet.
So your home has some lovely unwelcome guests... Fleas. Your cat or dog is more than likely scratching incessantly, or maybe you’ve noticed tiny, jumping critters making themselves a bit too comfortable on your sofa. Either way, you've got a flea infestation you want it gone – and fast! Keep reading to see how to quickly regain control of your home and for vet-recommended tips on speeding up this process.
You love your dog - that's a given - but at times, they’re probably the most gross creature you’ve ever met. From rolling around in poop in the woods to burying dead seagull carcasses at the beach, they don’t do themselves any favours in the smell department!
In these cases it’s smart to stick them straight in the bath as soon as you get home. But how do you know when to give them a bath the rest of the time?
Just like us humans, many cats enjoy spells of warmer weather! However, they can also overheat and risk developing complications such as heat stroke. Cats more at risk of illness as a result of the mercury rising include very old or young cats, cats with a dense, fluffy coat and those with pre-existing medical conditions.
Felines with flat faces (you might hear these being referred to as brachycephalic breeds) like Persian cats and Scottish folds also have a harder time regulating their temperatures because of their shorter nasal passages.
Fortunately, there are plenty of things you can do as a cat parent to keep your puss comfortable and extra chill in warm weather!
If you're a dog owner, you’ll know that fleas are an absolute nightmare. These tiny pests can turn your pup’s life—and yours—into an itchy misery. But don’t worry! With the right flea treatment, you can keep your furry friend flea-free and happy. Keep reading to be a flea expert and choose the best treatment for your pooch!
Ah, fleas – the uninvited guests who think your pet’s blood is theirs to munch on. These tiny nuisances are more than just a bother; they’re a full-blown, hopping headache. But how can you tell if you’re dealing with fleas? Well, whether you’ve got a cat, a dog, or you’re just a worried homeowner, here are five tried-and-tested ways to spot the little blighters.
Pet parents often think that finding fleas on a pet must mean they have got infected by a neighbouring cat or picked them up somewhere in the woods - whilst these assumptions aren’t wrong, there is another way fleas can infest your home… from you! Carry on reading to find out how fleas are nestling into your clothes and jumping on your pet.
A clear sign of a flea infestation is your pet scratching more than usual, or finding the little blighters on your pet’s fur or in your home. Spotting fleas can be very simple but what about treating them? In order to get rid of fleas for good, you have to know where to the fleas will be. One of the common places they might be, is on your bedding. Scroll to find out how to zap dead all of fleas that are bothering your household and most importantly, how to prevent a full blown flea infestation.
As much as we want to take our furballs everywhere with us, sometimes it's not always an option. For most of us, pet accommodation comes in handy for when we need our pooches to be looked after whilst we are on holiday - after all in the UK, we spend a whopping £3 billion on using kennels or catteries every year*. But as you hop on a plane, what happens if fleas hop on your pet?