Date ideas for you and your dog

Table of Contents


Get active

Plan a day out

Stay indoors

Book a trip

Valentine's Day or not, going on a date with your doggy is something all owners love. We’ve compiled our favourite ways to spend the day with your pooch - whether that be whining and dining or a long snug on the sofa - keep reading for doggy date inspiration.

Get active

  • Try a hike

    A long walk, out in the fresh air could be the perfect date idea. For dogs and owners alike who love to explore and visit new places, why not take your pooch for a hike? Planning a route that has attractions could be one way to keep it exciting. Remember to be prepared and check the weather before walking. Our top tip is packing a bag of treats, lots of water and your dog’s favourite toy.

    When taking your pet out and about, they are more likely to get fleas, ticks or even worms. Make sure to protect your pet before leaving the house to prevent any infestations. Vet-approved, Itch Flea Treatment for Dogs is scientifically proven to kill fleas, ticks and biting lice on your pet within 48 and halt any other life stages until their next treatment.

  • Go on a run

    Maybe you haven’t got much time or your dog is full of energy, try going for a run with them. It’s great if you have a lead that is specifically made to run with your dog, but you can go without if your dog is trained. This is a good way for you and your dog to let off some steam.

  • Do some yoga (or should we say doga)

    Did someone say downward dog? Coupling up with your dog for some yoga can be the perfect way to spend time together and clear your mind. Yoga can act as behavioural therapy for dogs so there’s benefits to you both! Here’s some examples of poses you can do together. 

Plan a day out

  • Go to the beach

    If the sun decides to come out, why not treat your dog to a day at the beach? Let them go for a dip if they are good swimmers, but remember to check tide times and always keep an eye on your pet when they are in the water. Ticks can be a potential problem for your pet at the beach so make sure you protect your pet before you head to the sea. Try Itch Flea Treatment for Dogs which kills all ticks on your pet within 48 hours of application. After playing in the sand, you could end your day with an ice cream (not for you silly)!

  • Coffee date

    Keep it simple with a coffee date to a pet-friendly cafe. You can even ask the barista to make your dog a puppuccino so you can both enjoy something tasty.

    Itch ambassador Milo, went to a coffee shop with his owner - watch his day out on the TikTok below!

  • Pet-friendly pubs

    Nobody likes to be left at home, especially not your dog. Lots of restaurants and pubs are pet-friendly so bring your dog along. They might even meet a friend.

Stay indoors

  • Cook a nice meal

    Sometimes staying at home is just what you and your pet need. Why not whine and dine your dog to an exciting meal? Remember to make sure the food you give your dog is safe for them to eat and weigh their portion.

  • Self-care evening

    This is our favourite date idea voted for by Itch!

    ‘It’s a dog’s life’, yes maybe but it’s hard work being the cutest pup alive. Treat your pet to a pamper evening. Relaxing your dog can be as simple as massaging their head and giving them some calming treats, like the Itch Calm Treats for Dogs. Keep the soothing vibes up with snuggles in front of the TV.

White dog head rub massage

Book a trip

  • Hop in a hotel

    Spend a weekend away with your pooch, visiting somewhere new or somewhere you love. This is a great way to explore somewhere new with home comforts. Before booking, make sure to check with the hotel company if your dog is allowed to stay.

  • Try a swanky Airbnb

    Lots of homes or stay-cations are pet-friendly, if you are wanting to splash the cash, look into places you and your dog can stay for a weekend (or longer).

  • Go abroad

    There might be added paperwork but if you want to escape the UK for a bit, take your pooch on holiday. A trip to France could be a suitable option - it’s not too far and you can travel via ferry or EuroTunnel. Always check travel regulations before booking a trip abroad.

Going on a date with your doggy can be a well planned trip or something as lowkey as a pamper session - it all depends on what your pet will enjoy. Assess your dog’s mood before planning your date, even if you want to explore somewhere new, it might not be the best option for your pooch. If your dog struggles with change and can easily become stressed, try our Itch Calming Treats which can soothe your pet’s worries in unexpected moments.


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