Emma and Spy

Emma and Spy

Head of Brand

Mostly writes about

Healthy and happy pets


Emma has more than 20 years experience of bringing disruptive brands to market. For the last 15 years Emma has worked in the pet industry, where she has really spent a lot of time admiring totes adorbs pets and now focuses on how Itch can help them to live longer, happier, healthier lives. Long Live Pets! Until quite recently, she was a pet parent to Spy, a Parson Russell Terrier and the world’s very best doggo. Sadly, Spy has now left us to swim in rainbow streams, but he won’t ever be forgotten.

Latest Articles

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

Understanding anxiety in dogs

Let's talk about a topic that's close to many of our hearts: anxiety in dogs. Our furry friends can experience stress and anxiety just like us, and as responsible pet parents, it's essential to understand the signs, treatments, and ways to alleviate our canine companions' anxiety.

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

Understanding cat anxiety and stress

If you've ever noticed your cat acting a bit more withdrawn, hiding away, or engaging in unexpected behaviours, you might be witnessing the subtle signs of cat anxiety and stress. Keep reading for the signs of feline stress, and a magical solution – pheromone diffusers.

Itch News Products & People

Itch Chill Out is award-winning!

We are proud to share that Itch Chill Out Pheromone Diffuser for Cats has been accredited with the Ethical Award 2024 by The Good Shopping Guide. The Good Shopping Guide awards ratings to brands and products, rewarding sustainability and ethical practice. Scroll to find out more about our award-winning pheromone diffuser…

Flea General

‘Flea Gate’: How Boris Johnson should have handled Downing Street

Annoying, blood-sucking creatures in Downing Street? - And no,we’re not talking about politicians. In Liz Truss’ recently released memoir, she claims Number 10 was infested with fleas thanks to Boris Johnson’s poor little dog, Dilyn. Clearly he didn’t have a subscription to Itch. Showing us the ex Prime Minister was clueless in the face of a flea infestation. We’re here to help you get more clued up than Bojo. Here’s what to do if you find yourself the unlucky target of a flea infestation, and more importantly, how to stay one step ahead.

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

How do I know if my cat needs dental care?

We want our feline friends to be as happy and healthy as possible, so why do a lot of cat parents not check their pet’s dental hygiene. We get it. It’s easy to forget but given that up to 90% of cats that are over 4 years old have dental disease. This is your sign to check in on your kitty’s teeth and gums. Keep reading to find out our vet-recommended tips.

Itch Insights Humour

What your pet's sleeping position really means

According to our research, two thirds (65%) of British pet owners will share the bed with their cat or dog tonight. It’s understandable. It can be hard to resist those puppy-dog eyes, or that loving purr when our pet's come to settle in for the night. 

 But did you know that by observing our pet's sleeping position, we can tell a lot about the special pet-owner bond we share with them?

We wanted to know more, so asked 2,000 Brits to reveal the 10 most common sleeping positions we adopt with our four-legged friends, and enlisted the help of leading animal behaviourist, Professor Peter Neville to give us insight into their meaning.

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

Pheromone diffusers for cats - how do they work?

Not all cats are cool cats all the time. If your kitty is showing signs of stress or anxiety, there’s one method that’s been proven to help them feel safe, happy and relaxed, and that’s a plug-in pheromone diffuser for cats.

Itch Insights Humour

Date ideas for you and your dog

Valentine's Day or not, going on a date with your doggy is something all owners love. We’ve compiled our favourite ways to spend the day with your pooch - whether that be whining and dining or a long snug on the sofa - keep reading for doggy date inspiration.

Q&A Ticks

How to get rid of ticks?

Q&A Worm

How to clean your house after worms?

Q&A Flea

Can an indoor cat get fleas?

Q&A Flea

Can a human get fleas from dogs?

Q&A Flea

What do cat fleas look like to the human eye?

Q&A Flea

How to get rid of fleas in the house?

Q&A Ticks

Ticks on cats: What should you do?

Flea General

Is it your fault if your cat gets fleas?

For any cat riddled with fleas, it's unpleasant for the poor kitty and unpleasant for any owner to watch. With all the itching and scratching, you wouldn’t be the first owner to blame yourself for your cat getting fleas. But are you responsible? Let’s find out…

Flea Treatment
White and grey cat scratching chin on tiled floor.

What is the best flea treatment for cats?

If you're a pet parent, you'll know there's nothing more frustrating than seeing and hearing your cat scratching away furiously. Fleas are an absolute nuisance, but thankfully, you can get rid of them for good with the right knowledge. Keep reading to be a flea expert and choose the best treatment for your cat!

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing
dog ear canal up close

Why has my dog got itchy ears?

Is your dog constantly scratching at their ears, shaking their head or scraping their head against the floor? If so, your dog’s ears are bothering them and they need some help! Itchy ears are a common problem, but it’s not always an easy fix and can be a sign of more serious issues. Keep reading to find the best treatment for your dog’s itchy ears.

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

Are you a bad owner if your dog gets fleas?

Fleas; they come out of nowhere and cause itching and scratching. Having to watch your dog go through the torment of fleas is a lot for any pet owner. But are you responsible for giving your dog fleas? 9 times out of 10, you’re not at fault but let’s delve into how your dog can get fleas so you can ditch the blame.

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

Pets and Fireworks: How to keep your pet calm

Holding your shaking dog during Bonfire Night? Comforting your scaredy cat on New Year’s Eve? Don’t worry, we get it. While most people love fireworks, it’s not always our pets’ favourite time of the year - here’s our tips to help your pet stay calm amid the bangs and booms.

Itch News Products & People

We’re Here to Kill Fleas…Not the Environment

Receiving and applying your Itch flea treatment monthly, all year round, is absolutely essential to ensure that your pets are flea free, forever. 

So, it’s important that we package our products as sustainably as possible because we send out a lot of them!

Flea Prevention
two dachshunds sat on ledge with stonehedge monument behind them.

Fleas on holiday - How to keep your pet safe

Holiday mode for most of us is full relaxation and a time to recharge, but for our pets, it can be a bit more complicated. If you're taking your pet with you, there are a few things you need to keep in mind—fleas being one of the biggest concerns. These tiny critters are not only irritating for your pet but can cause some real headaches during what should be a stress-free break - carry on reading to find out!

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

How to keep dogs cool in summer?

Suns out, tongues out! Unlike us, dogs can't sweat to cool down, which makes them more susceptible to the dangers of overheating. Keep reading to know how to help your pooch get through the unbearable British summer and the key signs to spot for heat stroke in dogs...

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

Pet-friendly Plants

As it gets a bit warmer and your pet wants to spend more time outside, it is the purrfect time to make sure your garden is safe for your furry friend. Whether you're a dog person, cat person, or a bit of both, it’s really important to know what plants are toxic to pets!

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

Keeping your pet calm at Christmas

For most of us, Christmas is a delightful time filled with parties, twinkling lights, and lots of food. But for our pets, it’s not always as fun. As nice as it is to decorate the house into a winter wonderland, the bustling activity, new sounds, and changes to routine can be unsettling for our furry friends. Whether you have a curious cat or an easily excitable dog, it’s important to recognise that they may struggle to stay calm amidst all the Christmas chaos. Keep reading for our tips on how to help your pet keep calm and enjoy the festivities.

Itch Insights Humour
white and brown dog jumping in air over sand hill. flea with speech bubble, reading 'sorry mate, you can't out jump me'

How far can a flea jump?

Fleas - part-time athlete, full-time nuisance. Did you know fleas have one heck of a jump on them? It’s not that surprising then, when a flea jumps onto our pet and causes an infestation. Keep reading to find out exactly how far a flea can jump!

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

Spending School Holidays With Your Pet

Ah, the school holidays – the best and worst time of our lives… Non-stop fun and frustration. As schools break up, there’s certainly a change in routine for the kids, us, and also our pets. Our furry friends are thrilled to have their hoomans around more often, but it’s not necessarily easy for them to adjust. Scroll to find out how to handle pet anxiety and for some activity inspiration where your furball is always invited!

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

Travelling with your pet

Whether it's a road trip to the countryside or on a ferry across the channel, our furballs are a part of the family so it only makes sense to bring them along. However, while we may be excited about the adventure ahead, our pets don’t always share the same enthusiasm. Some can find the experience stressful and uncomfortable - does this sound a little too familiar? Check out our tips and tricks for unsettled pets.

Itch Insights Pet Wellbeing

Labradors At 5 Years Old - Understanding Hypothyroidism

As our beloved labs hit the milestone of 5 years old, it's essential to stay vigilant about their health. Here we'll talk you through Hypothyroidism - a condition which often affects Labs, and many common medium-large dog breeds. It can have significant impacts on your pup's well-being, so let's explore what it's all about and how to navigate it together.

Itch News Itch Ambassadors

All About Itch Ambassadors

Itch Ambassadors are the highest ranking pets in the Itch Pack. These hand-picked special envoys have great faces, floofy coats and an appetite for the very best! And you, their trusty human, creates top quality content that shows them off at their very best. We see you and we appreciate your efforts.

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