Is my dog more at risk of fleas and worms at the kennels?

Table of Contents


Fleas in kennels

Pet caught worms at kennels

Prevent worms in pets

Prevent fleas

As much as we want to take our furballs everywhere with us, sometimes it's not always an option. For most of us, pet accommodation comes in handy for when we need our pooches to be looked after whilst we are on holiday - after all in the UK, we spend a whopping £3 billion on using kennels or catteries every year*. But as you hop on a plane, what happens if fleas hop on your pet?

Fleas in kennels

Fleas can make any dog’s life miserable, causing itching, irritation, and even allergic reactions. So, are kennels a hotbed for flea infestations?

In short, not necessarily. Reputable kennels take rigorous measures to maintain cleanliness and hygiene. They understand that their clients expect a high standard of care, which includes keeping the environment free of parasites like fleas. Most kennels implement regular cleaning schedules, use insecticides, and have protocols in place to deal with any outbreaks swiftly.

However, it's important to acknowledge that fleas can be quite resourceful. They can hitch a ride on a dog entering the kennel and spread quickly if not managed effectively. This means that while the risk is controlled, it can never be entirely eliminated. So, it’s a really good idea to ensure your dog is treated with a flea preventative before they go to the kennels, like Itch Flea treatment for Dogs.

Pet caught worms at kennels

The wriggly world of worms - there are several types of worms that can affect dogs, including roundworms, tapeworms, hookworms, and whipworms.

Kennels are definitely a place where worms can spread, mainly because there are a lot of dogs sharing a small space. Worms are often transmitted through faecal matter, which means that in a kennel setting, if one dog is infected and the area isn’t cleaned promptly and thoroughly, the risk of transmission increases.

Good kennels will have stringent cleaning protocols and regular deworming schedules for their dog guests, to mitigate this risk. However, just like with fleas, no environment can be 100% risk-free. It’s crucial to maintain a regular deworming schedule for your dog, whether or not they frequently visit kennels, using monthly treatment like Itch Wormer for Dogs.

Prevent worms in pets

Preventing worms is all about being proactive. Here are a few steps you can take to protect your pet:

  • Regular deworming

    Ensure your dog is on a regular deworming schedule as recommended by your vet. Puppies need to be dewormed more frequently, while adult dogs typically require treatment every three months.

  • Clean up after your dog

    Always pick up your dog’s poop promptly, both in your garden and when out on walks. This helps prevent the spread of worm eggs.

  • Regular vet check-ups

    Routine visits to the vets will detect any early signs of worms and your pooch can receive necessary treatment.

  • Kennel selection

    Choose kennels with a good reputation for hygiene and animal care. Don’t be afraid to ask about their cleaning protocols and deworming policies.

Prevent fleas

Preventing fleas involves a combination of good habits and preventative treatments. Here are some tips to keep your dog flea-free:

  • Flea treatments

    Use vet-approved flea treatments regularly, to be a hop ahead of them pesky parasites. Try the Itch Flea Treatment for Dogs to kill all adult fleas, ticks and lice in 24 hours!

  • Regular grooming

    Brush your dog’s fur regularly to check for any signs of fleas. This also helps in distributing natural oils that keep their skin and coat healthy.

  • Clean environment

    Keep your home and garden clean. Hoover regularly, wash your dog’s bedding, and consider treating areas where your dog spends a lot of time with flea control products. For instance, use a fast-acting flea treatment that frees your space from fleas, because 95% of fleas live in your environment, not actually on your pet. Try the Itch Flea Home Spray for Homes to get rid of fleas for up to 12 months!

  • Check before kennelling

    Before taking your dog to a kennel, ensure they’re up-to-date on flea treatments. It’s also worth giving them a thorough check up once you bring them home.

While kennels do pose a risk of fleas and worms, make sure to do your research and only send your pet to accommodation that works hard to minimise parasite risks. Being proactive and using preventative treatments regularly on your pet is the best way to get rid of fleas and worms!

Where we got the facts from:

*Direct Line Group, 2017, Source:

Get rid of fleas, ticks AND lice... and stop them coming back!

Fleas, ticks and lice can be a nightmare, but with the right approach, you can take control and rid your pets and home of these bothersome pests. Remember that parasites can be persistent, so patience and regular treatment will be your best friends! By addressing both your pet and their environment, you can ensure a flea-free and comfortable living space for both your furry companion and your family.



Fancy some more?

Flea Identification

What Do Fleas Look Like?

Fleas, those pesky little creatures that can cause so much trouble for our beloved pets, are often hard to spot with the naked eye due to their tiny size. However, understanding what fleas look like is essential for effective prevention and treatment. Here, we explore the appearance of fleas, including pictures of fleas, their size, and the distinct features that differentiate dog fleas from cat fleas. We will also take a closer look at flea eggs and highlight other bugs that may resemble fleas, helping you to identify and deal with these nuisances.

Worming Identification

What are worms in pets?

Worms are sadly a common concern for pet owners. These parasites can infest our furry companions, leading to discomfort and potential health issues. Here we'll unravel the world of worms in pets, addressing what they are, what causes them, whether all dogs and cats need worming, how to treat worm infestations, and most importantly, how to prevent them. By the end, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to keep your pets super healthy and worm-free.

Flea Treatment Issues

Why is my pet still scratching after applying a Flea Treatment?

Not all flea treatments are created equal. Itch Flea is a double action spot on treatment that not only contains Fipronil but also (unlike lots of other flea treatments), (S) Methoprene. This means that it not only targets the adult fleas feeding on your pets and kills them dead in 24 hours (and ticks in 48 hours), it also targets flea eggs and larvae, stopping the fast and furious flea life cycle dead in its tracks.

We asked in-house Itch vet, Dr. Zoe Costigan to give us the lowdown on why your cat or dog might still be scratching after applying a flea treatment to your pet. Here's what she had to say:

“It’s fairly normal for there to be a period of hyperactivity amongst the fleas as the active ingredients in a flea treatment take effect and this can cause an increase in your pet scratching. It should settle down after 24 hours. If after 24 hours your pet continues to scratch, there could be other things going on. Your pet could be flea-allergic, it could have a skin infection or a hormone imbalance, or other conditions which can lead to itchiness.”