Table of Contents
How did my dog get fleas?
How to treat fleas
Treating your dog without a vet
How to prevent fleas?
Table of Contents
How did my dog get fleas?
How to treat fleas
Treating your dog without a vet
How to prevent fleas?
Fleas; they come out of nowhere and cause itching and scratching. Having to watch your dog go through the torment of fleas is a lot for any pet owner. But are you responsible for giving your dog fleas? 9 times out of 10, you’re not at fault but let’s delve into how your dog can get fleas so you can ditch the blame.
Fleas are very small insects, so small that they are hard to see to the naked eye. Without wings, fleas get around by hopping from place to place, feeding on mammal blood to survive.
It’s important to take note of a flea’s life cycle - this is the key to getting rid of them for good. A flea goes through several stages starting off as an egg, hatch into larvae, develop into pupae and become an adult flea. It can take as long as 2 months for a flea to fully develop, but once they have just after 24 hours of mating, lady fleas can lay their eggs and the life cycle starts again. It’s a vicious cycle and we want to break it!
Fleas love to hang out in warm and humid environments - outdoors this tends to be in dense shrubs and indoors, they favour cracks and crevices of the home.
Firstly, if your dog has fleas, it is not your fault. Let's say that again, it is not your fault. Fleas are a nuisance and can cause chaos for anyone. There are a few common ways your dog is likely to have contracted a flea infestation…
Environment: Most fleas come into contact with your dog from the environment around them. From the garden, to the pub and the park, it can feel like nowhere is safe from the blighters.
From people or pets: Anyone who comes into your home (human and pet alike) can unknowingly carry fleas in with them.
Wildlife: Animals such as foxes, hedgehogs, squirrels and rabbits can be flea-carrying culprits, bringing them into your garden ready for your dog to pick up.
Did you know that just 5 fleas on an untreated pooch can lead to more than 1 million eggs infesting your home in only 4 weeks*? Gulp. You better start treating and fast!
Use flea treatment on your pet
Applying a vet-approved, spot-on treatment like Itch Flea Treatment for dogs will kill any adult fleas on your pet within 24 hours and halt the development of all other flea life stages.
Flea comb your pooch
Dead fleas don’t always drop off so easily from your dog, so grooming them regularly with a comb means you can remove flea dirt and keep on top of spotting any new fleas.
Treat your home
95% of fleas during an infestation period live in your home, meaning it is crucial to use flea treatment in your home as well as on your pet. We’d recommend flea control products that get to work fast, like the Itch House Spray for Homes which kills all adult fleas for up to 2 months, in just one blast.
Deep clean
Fleas can be anywhere, it is so important to thoroughly clean your home and belongings to kill these pests and their eggs. During an infestation, you should hoover your home regularly. This is to vibrate any flea eggs hiding in your home, causing them to hatch and then you can zap them dead! Even after you’ve treated your pet and home, keep hoovering for up to 2 weeks afterwards.
Fleas love to live in warm places, like on your clothes or your bedding so make sure to wash these fabrics and any soft furnishings at 60 degrees - no less!
A lot of the shame you may be feeling against your dog having fleas, could be down to the big vet bills many owners face when their dog is flea ridden. You’ll be happy to hear that effective flea treatment for dogs does not have to be supplied by your vet, you can indeed buy it from the shop or get it delivered straight to your home, by brands like Itch Pet. And even better, flea products, such as Itch Flea Treatment for cats and dogs are vet-approved so no need to worry!
We would certainly recommend visiting a vet if your pet is showing symptoms of flea allergy dermatitis, as over a quarter of a million dogs suffer from this condition and should not be left untreated.
So you never have to feel an ounce of guilt again, let’s make sure fleas are never a problem for you, your pet and your home.
Rely on flea preventatives: Using monthly, vet-approved flea treatment like Itch Flea Treatment is crucial for long-term protection of your dog, your home and your family.
Protect your home: Regular hoovering, cleaning, and use of sprays can help keep fleas and their eggs out of your home.
Consistency: Flea control is an ongoing effort. Regular treatments and preventive measures are the key to keeping fleas at bay!
As much as you might feel terrible that your poor pooch is fighting fleas, it does not make you a bad pet parent - in fact it makes you a good one, because you care and want to kill those pesky fleas for good! We understand how difficult tackling a flea infestation can be, so our friendly and expertly trained Vet Team is here to help - drop us a DM, email or pick up the phone if you have any questions.
Fleas, ticks and lice can be a nightmare, but with the right approach, you can take control and rid your pets and home of these bothersome pests. Remember that parasites can be persistent, so patience and regular treatment will be your best friends! By addressing both your pet and their environment, you can ensure a flea-free and comfortable living space for both your furry companion and your family.
Sending your pet to the vet is never going to be a cheap day out but the record shows that the cost of vet consultations and treatments are at an all time high, and it’s not going to slow down any time soon. On average, a trip to the vets in this day and age will cost you around £400.* Don’t fall into the vet bill trap, scroll to find our top tips to get the best bang for your buck when looking after your pup.
The ever so interesting topic of worms, said no one ever. Let’s cut the cr*p, as pet owners worming your animal is not at all that glamorous and it can be a task we very easily forget. As much as this might be the case, doing right by our pet comes first and knowing a little bit more about boring old worms will help you act fast to prevent any serious issues (and of course sky high vet bills).
In this guide tailored for new pet owners, we'll navigate the world of flea treatment and prevention, covering the specific needs of your puppy or kitten, guidelines for adult dogs and cats, crafting a flea treatment schedule, and why the age-old adage 'prevention is better than cure' holds true in the realm of fleas. So, grab a cuppa, snuggle up with your furball, and let's embark on this flea-fighting adventure together.